BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:ICALENDAR-RS CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:\nOur world is changing, forestry is transforming as well. Dig ital applications and technologies have an impact on current and future tas ks and activities as well as skills and abilities of people working in fore stry and the transfer of knowledge. The session „Digitalization in the f orest sector“ illuminates with 4 short contributions this topic from diff erent perspectives with best practices for facing the challenge of impleme ntation in the forest and timber supply chain.\n1. Digitalization needs inf rastructure -  Competence\nCenter Forest and Timber 4.0, Frank Heinze, Pro ject manager  \n2. Information about the current status of digitalization in europe  -\nRosewood network,  Danijela Šarić Bartolović,\nHead of Department for Programmes and Projects, CEKOM 3. Digital assistance for f uture CTL - operations - Forest Value Research\nProject  AVATAR  (Advance d Virtual Aptitude and Training Application in Real\nTime), Florian Hartsch , Researcher, University Göttingen     \n\n4. Digitalization in the for est and timber supply chain as\na business chance for young companies - Tre eva company powered by Stihl Bertil Stapel, Sales manager \n\nModeration: Thilo Wagner  DTEND:20221201T100000Z DTSTART:20221201T083000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Digitalization in the forest sector - session 1 UID:7658ca3c-44c3-4c45-b00e-a0053cfb46b5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR