BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:ICALENDAR-RS CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103929Z DESCRIPTION:The Climate Negotiations Simulation will be an interactive, rol e-playing game to explore the different stakeholders and solutions that nee d to come together to take action on climate change. The participants will act as representatives of governments, business and civil society who are b rought together to a climate summit to establish a concrete plan to limit g lobal warming. The game will be run by a trained facilitator who leads part icipants throughout the experience. Participants are divided into influenti al stakeholder groups whose directive is to work together to create a plan to limit global warming. The game is framed by a simulator, which allows pa rticipants to rapidly assess the impacts of different solutions to climate change, e.g. energy supply subsidies, energy efficiency, or land use change s. The Climate Negotiations Simulation enables participants to gain insight s into the factors that affect climate change and what the solutions and po ssible paths are for equitably and effectively addressing climate change an d achieving the international climate goals. For more information please vi sit: DTEND:20221203T170000Z DTSTART:20221203T150000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Climate negotiation simulation - session 2 UID:a037a9ee-ad00-4011-b3b2-3fee60d1cbd5 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103929Z DESCRIPTION:The Climate Negotiations Simulation will be an interactive, rol e-playing game to explore the different stakeholders and solutions that nee d to come together to take action on climate change. The participants will act as representatives of governments, business and civil society who are b rought together to a climate summit to establish a concrete plan to limit g lobal warming. The game will be run by a trained facilitator who leads part icipants throughout the experience. Participants are divided into influenti al stakeholder groups whose directive is to work together to create a plan to limit global warming. The game is framed by a simulator, which allows pa rticipants to rapidly assess the impacts of different solutions to climate change, e.g. energy supply subsidies, energy efficiency, or land use change s. The Climate Negotiations Simulation enables participants to gain insight s into the factors that affect climate change and what the solutions and po ssible paths are for equitably and effectively addressing climate change an d achieving the international climate goals. For more information please vi sit: DTEND:20221203T103000Z DTSTART:20221203T083000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Climate negotiation simulation - session 1 UID:cb563f92-2d4f-4a5e-a664-652e932b450a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR