BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:ICALENDAR-RS CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:Most of us know the feeling of anxious anticipation before deli vering a speech or presentation. “Will I be judged harshly?” “Will pe ople be bored?” “What if I make a mistake?” “What am I even doing u p here?” Even the most seasoned presenters are not always free from pesky stomach knots. What you’ll learn in this session won’t banish your pu blic speaking anxiety completely, but it will give you tools that will elev ate your speeches and presentations, give you more confidence, and most imp ortantly engage and persuade your audience! DTEND:20221201T140000Z DTSTART:20221201T123000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Public speaking: how to prepare for it? - session 2 UID:53c97b8d-6b5b-4f61-951a-9c04e7feef2b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR