BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:ICALENDAR-RS CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:This session is aimed to give the participants the chance to ne twork with each other and to exchange ideas and experiences with the profes sionals and participants joining the event. The "Speed Networking" will be held on the meeting platform 'hopin' and will allow a random matching of pa rticipants for networking as well as general chatting. DTEND:20221201T151500Z DTSTART:20221201T141500Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Speed Networking UID:b7ab5770-e5a2-4bfb-97da-0b8a24cd1257 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:Most of us know the feeling of anxious anticipation before deli vering a speech or presentation. “Will I be judged harshly?” “Will pe ople be bored?” “What if I make a mistake?” “What am I even doing u p here?” Even the most seasoned presenters are not always free from pesky stomach knots. What you’ll learn in this session won’t banish your pu blic speaking anxiety completely, but it will give you tools that will elev ate your speeches and presentations, give you more confidence, and most imp ortantly engage and persuade your audience! DTEND:20221201T140000Z DTSTART:20221201T123000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Public speaking: how to prepare for it? - session 2 UID:53c97b8d-6b5b-4f61-951a-9c04e7feef2b END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:Most of us know the feeling of anxious anticipation before deli vering a speech or presentation. “Will I be judged harshly?” “Will pe ople be bored?” “What if I make a mistake?” “What am I even doing u p here?” Even the most seasoned presenters are not always free from pesky stomach knots. What you’ll learn in this session won’t banish your pu blic speaking anxiety completely, but it will give you tools that will elev ate your speeches and presentations, give you more confidence, and most imp ortantly engage and persuade your audience! DTEND:20221201T100000Z DTSTART:20221201T083000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Public speaking: how to prepare for it? - session 1 UID:b3b7449f-6252-4713-8ec9-d90fb0434ac6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:The Living Library method seeks to promote understanding and di alogue between different people and to fight prejudices and discrimination . When you come to visit the Living Library you pick a book that sounds int eresting from a catalog, but instead of a pile of paper you will get to bor row a real person – with a story to tell! You will be able to ask the boo k whatever questions you have in your mind concerning the topic of the book , but remember to be respectful – do not bend the pages, or spill coffee on them!Living Libraries are in general about all different sorts of topics . However, in our Workshop, we will limit the topic variety to the “Worki ng Life Section”. So as a book you get to tell about yourself and a topi c that is important for you, an event or project you organized, or just giv ing handy hints for life, e.g. about work-life balance. More information ca n be found on the website (/yfpd/workshop/#living-library) and on the manual. DTEND:20221201T160000Z DTSTART:20221201T153000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Living Library- session 2 UID:3fde2f0c-4ff1-43b4-80db-3af8d246faac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:The Living Library method seeks to promote understanding and di alogue between different people and to fight prejudices and discrimination . When you come to visit the Living Library you pick a book that sounds int eresting from a catalog, but instead of a pile of paper you will get to bor row a real person – with a story to tell! You will be able to ask the boo k whatever questions you have in your mind concerning the topic of the book , but remember to be respectful – do not bend the pages, or spill coffee on them!Living Libraries are in general about all different sorts of topics . However, in our Workshop, we will limit the topic variety to the “Worki ng Life Section”. So as a book you get to tell about yourself and a topi c that is important for you, an event or project you organized, or just giv ing handy hints for life, e.g. about work-life balance. More information ca n be found on the website (/yfpd/workshop/#living-library) and on the manual. DTEND:20221201T113000Z DTSTART:20221201T101500Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Living Library - session 1 UID:be921d14-61f1-43b6-b947-6b1d0b60af1d END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION: DTEND:20221201T083000Z DTSTART:20221201T081000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Keynote speech UID:8f1b1e51-d1cb-41a4-a155-4290bc6f7de1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:\nOur world is changing, forestry is transforming as well. Dig ital applications and technologies have an impact on current and future tas ks and activities as well as skills and abilities of people working in fore stry and the transfer of knowledge. The session „Digitalization in the f orest sector“ illuminates with 4 short contributions this topic from diff erent perspectives with best practices for facing the challenge of impleme ntation in the forest and timber supply chain.\n1. Digitalization needs inf rastructure -  Competence\nCenter Forest and Timber 4.0, Frank Heinze, Pro ject manager  \n2. Information about the current status of digitalization in europe  -\nRosewood network,  Danijela Šarić Bartolović,\nHead of Department for Programmes and Projects, CEKOM 3. Digital assistance for f uture CTL - operations - Forest Value Research\nProject  AVATAR  (Advance d Virtual Aptitude and Training Application in Real\nTime), Florian Hartsch , Researcher, University Göttingen     \n\n4. Digitalization in the for est and timber supply chain as\na business chance for young companies - Tre eva company powered by Stihl Bertil Stapel, Sales manager \n\nModeration: Thilo Wagner DTEND:20221201T140000Z DTSTART:20221201T123000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Digitalization in the forest sector - session 2 UID:238ffebe-01e7-4029-9ff6-ccf9a0335e71 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:\nOur world is changing, forestry is transforming as well. Dig ital applications and technologies have an impact on current and future tas ks and activities as well as skills and abilities of people working in fore stry and the transfer of knowledge. The session „Digitalization in the f orest sector“ illuminates with 4 short contributions this topic from diff erent perspectives with best practices for facing the challenge of impleme ntation in the forest and timber supply chain.\n1. Digitalization needs inf rastructure -  Competence\nCenter Forest and Timber 4.0, Frank Heinze, Pro ject manager  \n2. Information about the current status of digitalization in europe  -\nRosewood network,  Danijela Šarić Bartolović,\nHead of Department for Programmes and Projects, CEKOM 3. Digital assistance for f uture CTL - operations - Forest Value Research\nProject  AVATAR  (Advance d Virtual Aptitude and Training Application in Real\nTime), Florian Hartsch , Researcher, University Göttingen     \n\n4. Digitalization in the for est and timber supply chain as\na business chance for young companies - Tre eva company powered by Stihl Bertil Stapel, Sales manager \n\nModeration: Thilo Wagner DTEND:20221201T100000Z DTSTART:20221201T083000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Digitalization in the forest sector - session 1 UID:7658ca3c-44c3-4c45-b00e-a0053cfb46b5 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:Have you ever wondered what goes behind the scenes of a confere nce? Then this workshop is for you; a workshop designed as a crash course o n what it takes to build sessions with an impact. Join to hear from the exp erts that build the famous Global Landscapes Forum conferences, which brin g together speakers from around the world and reach thousands of people ann ually. DTEND:20221201T140000Z DTSTART:20221201T123000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Designing an Engaging Conference 101 - session 2 UID:de11cbce-4c0a-46cb-9ed9-9a0a8e22af66 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221017T103908Z DESCRIPTION:Have you ever wondered what goes behind the scenes of a confere nce? Then this workshop is for you; a workshop designed as a crash course o n what it takes to build sessions with an impact. Join to hear from the exp erts that build the famous Global Landscapes Forum conferences, which brin g together speakers from around the world and reach thousands of people ann ually. DTEND:20221201T100000Z DTSTART:20221201T083000Z LOCATION: SUMMARY:[YFPD] Designing an Engaging Conference 101 - session 1 UID:efc908c3-fe3b-41f9-9b10-17ef0758011b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR